Saturday, June 13

Open Rebuke

Watch it in HD on YouTube!

I wrote this little thing, this last semester. I didn't mean for it to be a locked-tight parable or anything, just something to stir the mind, and to ask questions about love, and how identity is formed by relationships.

It's about hidden love, open rebuke, and how we choose paths, and align our identities with others.

Who do you align yourself with that controls your identity?

1 comment:

  1. you rock like Fred Flintstone, bang like Barney Rubble, shoot the J like Kobe, and got mad skills like you were a creech. Good thing you are a creech, 'cause otherwised i'd have to come find out how you stole our magic and end up fighting you on some cliff over looking the crashing Pacific in a lighting storm....that would be cool.
