Flight of the Conchords, or FOTC to some, or FOC to me and my minions, started their second season on a bum episode, but every episode since has been four stars and all laughs.
In the words of Dumb and Dumber they "totally redeemed" themselves, far and above the flat landing of "SE02EP01" as we say in the download business.
I especially have been fond of the "Love is a Weapon of Choice" episode co-starring the gloriously funny Kristen Wiig (beside Tina Fey, the funniest-hottest woman alive... but Kristen isn't married... "so you're saying there's a chance!")
And it surprisingly topped the season's best episode yet, "Unnatural Love" from the week before (which maybe still has the best songs). It was brilliantly fun to take in. Classic FOC, to take a punch-line like 'canine epilepsy' and then to turn it into the core content of the episode.
I totally thought Jermaine "the lips" had a shot at BrahBrah.
Then, to get to meet the Prime Minister and Art Garfunkel in the "Prime Minister" episode and learn what "Garfunkeling" is -not to mention the Paul Simon joke at the end i wasn't ready for. This season has taken my life to new heights, along with Demetri Martin's "Important Things"
even if the next episodes wane, the gavel can be slammed down to say that FOC is continuing to rock, and one of the few shows I tune in for.
Ok, i don't tune in, i watch them later, off the internet. So. I bet you have DVR, well i don't, OK.
Alright maybe i do, for a few weeks at my pops, but no HBO. I do get to DVR Jazz games, and almost should stay here for that alone... I do own the first season on DVD though, for educational purposes.
Mmmm, I love me some Flight of the Conchords! Jermaine is so sexy! He's my favorite!