Saturday, July 19

Good nose or Bad nose part deux

Time to VOTE- which nose is better, more "attractive" and, ultimately Perfect.
I think it's an easy win for Ashley Zarate, but now you can decide.


  1. things i love about this post

    1. it involves me
    2. you voted for me
    3. this picture is from me floating the river and i feel as gross as i look in it
    4. my post is still better
    5. but my nose isn't

  2. things that are funny

    1. you claim mine is better, but you likely voted for yourself
    2. your post IS better, except that my post proves your post wrong.
    3. your # 5 is wrong, and i'm not even feeling that good having people choose your nose over mine..i'd rather live in the dream world that mine is better

  3. 1. voting for myself was my best bet
    2. your post proves nothing
    3. i'm never wrong
    4. you already live in a dream world
    5. mark will let you touch his tiny tony the tiger since i can't make it to cali. you lucky dog.
