Friday, February 20

Chronicles of a danger-addict.

California Wine.

A year and half ago, I had planned on rooting myself deep into MooseJaw SK. Now that’s all in the air, or will take a bit of time, and God is asking me into darkness, into the unknown, into adventure and wandering, when I’ve wanted to be locked down and left alone. But no, I’ve past the complaining stage and am here, in California, ready for whatever it is and wherever it may lead (asking for it to take me back to Moose Jaw sooner than later).

I stayed with my pops in Fontana (Southern California, outside LA) from Nov- Dec (besides a few weeks in Hawaii, with my mom), then January back in Sask. Now I’ve spent a week in Utah, visiting family, A couple days in Arizona outside Phoenix, then Fontana for a week, and Now I’m up in Fairfield (Northern California), for a stint, and wondering where exactly to spend this next little bit.

A lot could be said about the last few months.

Today I’ll start with the fact that I’m trying some California wines. Its been a while since I’ve had them, spoiled with great wines brought from around the world to Saskatchewan from Doug Reichel himself.

Tonight I’m having a glass of Kendall-Jackson Sauvignon Blanc, 2006.

It’s OK, I guess, a bit unbalanced and thin, for my taste. We’ll see how it progresses.

At least i'm listing to Alan Jackson's Chattahoochee.


  1. Kendall-Jackson is not very good wine. I agree, and I don't even know wine. I do know that was the house wine at Red Robin, though, and they're not exactly oozing with class. Taste, yes. Class, no. Go have a Gourmet Hamburger for me.

  2. whoa, just had a flash back to sitting four deep in the cab of ford pickup so wore out you could see through the floor boards...Alan is person you listen to on the porch drinking beer or a frozen drink. And yes, in Houston frozen drinks are still seasonable.

  3. wow, root urself in moose jaw?? let's switch places and I'll live in California. I hope things work out buddy.
